608 268 8200

African Violet



Water requirements

African violet plants are picky about water, so take extra care of African violets when watering. Water with lukewarm water. Water at the base and never splash the foliage with water; just a drop can cause foliar spots and damage. Proper watering is an important aspect of learning how to grow African violets. Water when the soil feels less moist to the touch. Never let growing African violets stand in water or completely dry out. Wick watering, from the bottom, is sometimes appropriate but may not be the best practice for those new to growing African violet plants.

Light requirements

Provide appropriate lighting for the African violet plant. Light intensity should be filtered, with bright to medium intensity reaching the growing African violet. Light affects flowering. African violet plants with dark green foliage usually need somewhat higher light levels than those with pale or medium green foliage. Turn pots regularly to keep flowers from reaching for the light.
